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Dental sealants are thin composite coatings which are micromechanically bonded to tooth that prevent access to cavity causing bacteria, plaque, and food. They are applied to the pits and fissures of our adult permanent molar teeth. The purpose of a sealant is to prevent decay.  


According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, "Pit and fissure sealants account for 80-90% of all caries in permanent posterior teeth and 44% in primary teeth. Placement of sealants have shown a reduction of caries incidence of 86% after 1 year. " 


A sealant is like…


Think of your bathroom tiles. In between your tiles you have grout or caulking. The purpose of the grout and caulking is to prevent water from getting underneath your tiles causing mold or mildew.


We want to seal out the water and moisture that causes mold! 


A sealant serves the same function to prevent bacteria and plaque from getting into the pits and grooves of your teeth so cavities do not occur.


We want to seal out bacteria that cause decay! 

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